NOMINATION - 2008 PLEASE PRINT Mule’s Name_________________________________________ Reg. No._________________________ Sex__________ Birth date_____________________ Sire______________________________________ Dam __________________________________ CalBred (yes or no)___________ (If yes) CalBred Reg. No.________________________________ Please make all checks payable to AMRA 2008 World Championship Futurity. Check enclosed is the amount of $_____________________ ( ) I am a member of the AMRA. ( ) Enclosed is my $25 membership fee. Name of owner(s)_________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ Telephone_____________________ I hereby agree to abide by the conditions and comply with the Rules and Regulations of the AMRA World Championship 2008 Futurity and further agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless the American Mule Racing Association from any liability that may arise from this entry. Signature______________________________________ Owner_________________________________________ |