22nd Annual
May 31 -June 1, 2008
15. Purse distribution: Purse includes nomination fees, added money, penalties and forfeitures.
A consolation race will be run consisting of the next eight fastest mules as determined by trials. The total purse will be distributed as follows:
First 40% Third 20% Second 30% Fourth 10%
Derby will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2008 (unless trials are necessary).
Name of Mule(s):
Reg. No.
Sex: Sire__________ Dam_________
Name of Owner:___________________________________________________
Phone Number:___________________________________
I hereby make application to enter the above named Mule(s) in the Winnemucca Mule Derby. I agree to all rules pertaining to the Derby, all of which I have read and agree to the provisions contained therein as part of this contract. I hereby release and hold harmless Humboldt County, Humboldt County Ag. District #3, Winnemucca Mule Race Committee, American Mule Racing Association, their agents, employees, servants, representatives, administrators, executors and assigns from any and all debts, damages, costs, expenses, losses, claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, actions, causes, of action and rights, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, anticipated or unanticipated, which the undersigned may have against the above named entities in connection with the participation in the 2008 Winnemucca Mule Derby, for any reason whatsoever. This release is intended to, and does, constitute a general release and waiver of any Nevada statute which may restrict a general release and waiver as to any type of claim.
Signature of Owner:___________________________________________ Date:__________________________
Make checks payable to Winnemucca Mule Races, 50 W. Winnemucca Blvd.,Winnemucca, NV 89445. Call Sheree at (775) 623-2220 for further information.
Name:____________________________________________ Name of Mule:_____________________________________ Derby Payment:___________________________________ Phone #:__________________________________________ Late Payment:_____________________________________ Total Amt. Enclosed:_________________________________
Winnemucca Mule Races, 50 W. Winnemucca Blvd., Winnemucca, NV 89445
Name:____________________________________________ Name of Mule:_____________________________________ Derby Payment:___________________________________ Phone #:__________________________________________ Late Payment:_____________________________________ Total Amt. Enclosed:_________________________________
Winnemucca Mule Races, 50 W. Winnemucca Blvd., Winnemucca, NV 89445
Name:____________________________________________ Name of Mule:_____________________________________ Derby Payment:___________________________________ Phone #:__________________________________________ Late Payment:_____________________________________ Total Amt. Enclosed:_________________________________
Winnemucca Mule Races, 50 W. Winnemucca Blvd., Winnemucca, NV 89445
Late penalty -$100.00 plus fees if received after April 12, 2008 $150.00 plus fees if received after May 3, 2008
If payments are not postmarked on or before the due dates shown above, nomination will be considered scratched. All payments must be by Cashier Check or Money Order after May 3, 2008 Personal checks accepted prior to May 3, 2008
No Refunds!